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About scruffy

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  1. scruffy added a post in a topic Yamaha Apex Skytrax Adapters   

    I'm so excited about all this! It feels like I started looking into a Kitfox right at the right time. I've always felt there was a better, lighter, modern solution. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Lyc in my last plane and I love the big ass Continental in my Bo, but for something as light as an Avid variant this will be a game changer. I just want to thank Teal for the hard work and Yamma-Fox for keeping us updated! Against my better judgement I even made a facebook profile to be able to watch the progress there. I can't wait till I'm ready to get a Kitfox!
    • 4
  2. scruffy added a post in a topic What's it trying to tell me ?   

    If it's possible, borrow somebody else's properly running carbs to rule yours in or out. If it's still acting up, move on to ignition. Any of the above-mentioned carb problems could cause your problems even if it's only an issue on one carb. 
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