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Gettin out on a limb again! ;<))

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When man took to the sky, autos were also in their infancy. Rules had to be made. Unfortunately, IMO, The "Fathers of American Aeroplanes" came from the sea, and not the land. Position lights on boats went on planes. Every time I bring this up, someone thinks I am nuts. I hear that you needf red and green to tell which way a plane is moving. Believe me, I have been nearly hit headon by a plane that showed a green light on the right wingtip from my view in the cockpit. This should have ment that he was going away from me! Was he upside down or had his lights wrong on that piece of fast plastic? Boats don't float upside down, unless they are in trouble. Too bad that Henry Ford didn't write the rules. Then we would be able to tell which way a plane was going by the white lights in front and the red ones in back.

Now, I feel better. Someone else can wonder about my pet peave - but it will never change!\

Ed in Missouri

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