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I'm not get'n this logic???

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The following from some dude who has become the List's self-proclaimed Rotax expert ...... (also "Light Sport Repairman - Maintenance Rated"  (wow)

"This is not an original idea, but I thought I would share it. I made a couple of these this weekend. It is a spark plug hollowed out with a 1/4" pipe inserted into the end and welded. An "O" ring goes on the plug end. This makes doing the compression test faster and easier."

Ok.... I have, say,a P&W R985, 9 cylinder engine, so I will be doing a compression check on 9 individual cylinders.

  I will have to install, and then remove, a "18mm plug adapter" 9 times.

I repeat.....  I will have to install, and then remove, a "18mm plug adapter" 9 times.

How will it be ANY faster to install 9 at once, then check compression 9 times, then remove 9 adapters..... as compared to installing the adapter, checking compression, then removing adapter and moving to the next cylinder ?????

Yes, the compression checking part does go faster when all holes are pre-filled with adapters, but the total time spent will be the same.......

...And..., how does this make it any easier???? Duh???

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